The company established our business in 1917 as a small subcontractor in Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, and grew our business to set up a unique proposal-based real estate utilization business of building rental condominiums. Along with successful growth of this core business, our Group tackled positively with M&A opportunities from around 2000. It was often said that "M&A doesn't work for the Japanese construction sector." However, we have transformed ourselves into the group of construction companies with a wide range of specialties.
The Takamatsu Group currently consists of a total of 19 companies, including the pure holding company, Takamatsu Construction Group Co., Ltd. Each company has its own unique history and values, and the Takamatsu Group has grown through relatively loose ties with each other.
However, the construction sector has reached a turning point due to the recent sharp changes in the business environment and the completion of reconstruction work after the Great East Japan Earthquake. In order to flexibly respond to the unpredictable after COVID-19 society and continue to grow sustainably in such the situation, we must transcend the boundaries of Takamatsu Group companies, strengthen our relationships, and accelerate dialogue, exchange, and cooperation across the Group. In the past, we have conducted personnel exchanges among Takamatsu Group companies on a small scale, but we will accelerate these efforts in the future. When person stay in one company for a long time, they tend to believe that their own company's method of doing things is the right way, and their thinking tends to become entrenched. By learning about other methods of doing things, we can improve the efficiency of operations that we were not aware of before, and by increasing the number of acquaintances within the group, we can smoothly carry out projects across Takamatsu group, resulting in synergy effects. In terms of productivity improvement, digital transformation will be indispensable in the future, and in particular, we will promote the introduction of BIM and CIM jointly by all Takamatsu Group companies. On the other hand, there is a limit to what the Takamatsu Group can do on its own, so we will also make efforts to establish a common platform with other companies in the industry.
I believe that in this era of change, the Takamatsu Group must become a single team and work as a cross-section of the entire group. The common philosophy of the Takamatsu Group is primitive, such as "Don't get unearned profit," "making customers happy," and "responding with sincerity." While respecting the history, corporate culture, and values of each company in the Takamatsu Group, I see it as my role to instill the common philosophy of the Takamatsu Group in each and every one of our employees and to pursue the realization of group synergy. While maintaining a balance between continuity and change, and centrifugal and centripetal forces with the Takamatsu Group companies, we will work to evolve into a corporate group that earns the trust of our stakeholders for many years to come.
Hirotaka Takamatsu
President & Representative Director of the Board