Gender Equality
To increase women in worlplace is an important issue for the construction industry due to future shortage of workforce caused by lower birthrate.
Not only securing workforce, higher contribution is expected towards female workforce in fields such as design and interior where consciousness towards safety and comfortableness are requuired. Thus, many female coworkers are making high contribution in our Group, especially centering around design department.
Recently, the number of female coworkers at construction sites is increasing, with 25 coworkers in Takamatsu Corporation as well as 16 in Asunaro Aoki Construction (As of April 2019)
Percentage of Female New Graduates Hired in the Group
Takamatsu Construction Group hired 218 new graduates in April 2019.
Due to our active recruitment of female candidates, out of this 218 new graduates, 54 were female, that centeredd around not only in administrative fields but also in sales fields (5 graduates) and technical fields such as design and construction management (36 graduates).
As the result, the percentage of female new graduates rose to 24.8%.

Percentage of Female Workforce

Organizational Support towards Diversified Workstyle
1)Childcare Leave
2)Employment during Child Care Period
・Shortened Woktime
Under Child Care and Family Care Leave Act, employees who nurture children under 3 years old are allowed to shorten standard working hours. In Takamatsu Construction Group, we set up a shortened worktime until the end of third grade of elementary school, which exceeds the statutory requirement.
・Exemption of Overtime Work
・Restriction of Overtime Work
・Restriction of Midnight Work
3)Child Nursing Vacation
4)Maternity Health Care Measures during Pregnancy, etc.
5)Nursing Care Leave
6)Worktime during Nurse Care Period
・Shortened Woktime
・Exemption of Overtime Work
・Restriction of Overtime Work
・Restriction of Midnight Work
7)Nurse Care Leave
Initiatives to Promote Female Participation
1)Expansion of Female Work Area (Construction Sites, Sales, etc.)
2)Active Recruitment of Female Workforce
3)Appointment of Female Manager
4)Female Training Programs
FY2016:Female Manager Training
FY2017:Training for Mid-career Female Employees
FY2018:Female Career Design Training
5)Training for Managers with Female Subordinates
6)Reduction of Prescribed Working Hours
7)Promotion of Taking Annual Paid Leave
8)Introduction of Half-day Paid Leave System